Wednesday 3 April 2013

Today's post is going to be short, Mr Blugey

 Good gracious.. hehehehe joking~
Hello, Good evening, Today, we had class MGT417 in the morning, in that class, we heard our friends presentation. :D

the next class is Ethnic studies. OMG i loove the lecturer. She's the best :D  I guess everybody will be saying the same about the lecturer because it is undeniable she's the best in our class. :D


we learnt about pluralistic and plurality in Malaysia. How did they happen and what are their characteristics :D .. it was fun ;D

the last class was running in gloomy as IT RAINED HARD ;D  it said it gloomy as DR CYNTHIA said so, but i think it's wonderful ;D it's a weather. Malaysia is sometimes hot you know, blessed with rain, is an award for me ;D... i am so sleepy actually. ignore my ridiculous sentences XD

The last class which was with Dr Cynthia ( Pragmatics) was cut short due to her meeting with another lecturer, so we went home earlier (with an assignment which we need to submit on this Thursday).
we had just submit her assignment today, and now we have another ;D -_-''

ok folks, no picture for today yeah, Im sleepy..and i have to read two research papers for tomorrow presentation, graded presentation ;O

nighty night, hope for the best tomorrow, Peace.

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