Sunday 7 April 2013

F L U, F E V E R and S L E E P I N G, Mr Blugey.

Hello there, today.......

........ I slept the whole day. No I lied, but mostly I slept, while reading.. -_-'' .......
OK I admit that I slept for several hours in the afternoon. But it was all because I am SICK.I have a fever. (excuse, hehehe) I guess my hope yesterday, which was for not getting sick... did not work.  My hobbies now are ...........
sneezing, and wiping my nose. -_-'' 

                                                                    I should just go to bed.

Since today is a holiday and there's no class, plus I am sick... I really don't know what to say here. 
Psheeeehhhh I really hope that I don't have to say "I am sick'' all the time.

I called my mum and she said I need to sleep. EARLY, SUPER EARLY. thehehe so.. Bye, till now, Since we have classes tomorrow, LETS WISH AND HOPE FOR THE BEST TOMORROW :D



a/n: Picture is mine :D

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