Tuesday 30 April 2013

Irasshaimase, Mr Blugey ~ ;D

Wuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyy.... Ulala today I went to Japan. Ngehh hihi.. No I went to Sushi King. (explaining why I use Japanese "Welcome" for my title) ;3

Well, helooooooooo!!!!  (^ O ^) *bersemangat waja memberi salam!*

Today, we (Haini Qurr Qurr, Hameen, Vera, Paiz, Heman and I) went to SCM after we had our first class. Basically (*winkwink), the class was so... I don't know, the atmosphere back then was so bright (can I use that?). We were laughing, not like the always us in that class. Hm.... the holiday's mood was still here with us so we didn't feel like berlakon jadi batu again la hoh~ No, actually, the usual us would be very sleepy and souless in the MGT class. Extra information~~, it is in the morning (A+ for that).

However, we managed make the class happier and funnier. That's my class! :D I didn't feel sleepy this morning. Yeay for me~

Oh, I need to show you the happy us ;D

From left.. The Pissed of Ameen (tak ada sambal belacan), The Man who eats well, Aiman, The Man who Tak Habis Ayam Faiz, Trying Sushi Lady Aini, The Innocent Me (hehehe it's my drawing :P) and the Train Lady Mira (ok, which one do you want?) haha~ ;D

The Happy Us :D

That's all for today haha :D see ya~ Wishing for the best tomorrow~



a/n: Picture is mine.

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