Thursday 11 April 2013

RED again , Mr Blugey :D

Internet Connection Disturbance: Day 2.
this is yesterday's post ;D
Today, I have the best day in this week, so far... I spent my time today with laughing and being hyperactive (Wawa's fault for giving me extra sweets in the morning -_-'') I bullied my friends with sweet and cute 'insult' :P meeehh, no an insult but... I did pranks and jokes about everything. I don't know how to put this in words hahaha :P It's My Condition.

I intentionally disturbed Esah and Haiman (onyonyonyonyo), Mira Vera, Zarabee, Wapendix, etc.. nyotnyotnyot~ I don't know why I was so HYPER today -_-''

Andddddd, today I wore a red shirt~ and look who I took picture with~

     This is me...
                                                              Athirah Yaa Yaw

                                                            Amirah Mira Vera

                                                            Emma Emms Zara

After that class, I went to the library, well, just to do some stuff there. :D  
here's the proof. Ngheheheheh~ From BoboZobo's instragram .

          The Studious Us

I guess that's all for yesterday's post, well, I don't tell you about our dinner which was So FANTABULOUS. Oh I just did tell... Oh well,


Hoping for the best tomorrow~ 
P E A C E 


a/n: Pictures are all mine. MINE! and  ZoboBobo's Yeahhh haha~

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