Sunday 7 April 2013

I am sick. What to do Mr, Blugey? :O

Hei there.  :D

I am sick.
I think I'm fine

 Yes, I am sick and I couldn't enjoy my holiday as much as I want to. When I woke up this morning, all I got was painful breathing. My throat felt so weird and painful like I'm having flu or something, (NOT Like having a flu, I do have the symptom, and most likely to have it by now) Mehh, I will not sick.

I couldn't eat properly. ;P

Come here Food~ don't fly away~ Chicken~~

 hehe.... This is my fault as I don't want to :P  I'm too lazy to buy food down there. It's OK I can cook :D instant noodle will do. Ramen Ramen :D Yeay. hahaha -_-''

I am not that well.. I need to sleep. Bye for now, I wish I will not sick, tomorrow, not, will not.

 P E A C

a/n: all pictures are mine :D

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