Friday, 29 March 2013

No class, ASSIGNMENTS DAYY, Mr Blugey..

Today is Friday. There is no class for today, in fact for the rest of this semester. Thank you
Miss Khadijah Mohari, our beloved Class Rep.

 weehehehe~ So since there was no class for today, I woke up LATE, very LATE.

What to say......................................................................................................... oh yeah I have a HUMONGOUS PACKAGE OF ASSIGNMENTS. (did I put it well? ) heheheh..

my package is here ;O

So today, I merely did some assignment such as

I did it for quite some time, but oh well, I got bored of it and... soooo....
watched anime... then... singing to Kpop songs.... Electric Shock (f(x)), Dancing Queen (SNSD), History (EXO) etc....

then I read manga, on-line of course. Just to fill my day. :D. Then I swept my room, washed my clothes and I shopped for my lunch, (for tomorrow), I bought milk, strawberry milk and bread.

A bit later today, I have a dinner with my beloved besties. I ate Chicken Chop :D
it was delicious and I was totally full *BURRPPP* xP
FROM LEFT: Yaa, Bobo, Iffah, Me :D
So, we ate and talk and talk for like an hour then, we went home. It was a fine dinner for us ;D.
Till now, hope for the best tomorrow, Peace.


  1. haha..i want to be red's sho's color..hihi

    1. i didnt know that ;P hihihi should have told me earlier la pahh~ ;D
