Thursday, 21 March 2013

Great day with awesome Yellow pants, Mr Blugey~

Ok~ i'm going home today, since there is no class tomorrow.

 Today, we had only one class which is Pragmatics with Dr. Cynthia. She is awesome!! really, she is the most sporting lecturer ever ;D. One of my friend was caught munching a biscuit today, she just let her eat, just like that with a laugh. The most awesome things is her tag line which is "I'M GOING TO SHOOT YOU" when we did something that bother her, but of course in a joking way with a laugh. ;D

She has assigned us with few assignments and next week, there'll be a test for us. hope i can do well in that, hopefully. In that class, we had a presentation by our friends and the topic covered were Conventional Implicature. 

There is not many things to be said here since we have only one class today and we are here to write the blog ;) although I'm going home for like 4 days, there is no time to be resting actually, there is a lot of assignments to be completed. I hope i can do this well. till now, Peace~.

this is the biscuit :D


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