Tuesday 17 December 2013

What do we have today?


 so today I have my last class with my OB lecturer... . we ended the class with TEST 2 AND QUIZ 2

I HAVENT READ the required 6 chapters, (yang masuk test dan quiz lah) so... my life is about risks :P

hahaha, but then, the quiz... i refuse to elaborate more on that, but the test ;) i think i did quite. wait.. QUITE good... oh wait.. 
QUITE good. 

All i read was Team and also Conflict and Negotiation. and lucky me, that two chapters monopolized the questions ;) Me luv it.

What else... hm... oh yeah. in that class, Netaya, Serabee, and Appah.. er.. and I went to the class early.. and then we entered the class and had a little discussion.. errrr ehem gossips ehem... nothing special.. but the highlight was when Feliny came in. Never before this... she acted this way..

She didnt smile, she didnt utter a single word... she didnt even look at us. -_-''

Appah: *whispered to me* what's wrong with her?
Me:       Haa memang aku tau.. (Haa, like I know)

 Then we just kept it silent and just let her cool her self down.. then ...
she spoke about it..

Feliny: Ada orang call aku lah, aku jadi serba salah, salah aku eh?
(Someone's called me and it made me feel guily.. was it my fault?)

I cut the info about the caller since it's not a public info. :P

So the thing was, it wasnt a big deal but she scared to it. -_-'' JUST THAT. JUST THAT! xD

i know this post pretty messy and have no aim at all. but i feel like doing it ;P

This is for now,


Sunday 15 December 2013

What should I do?

Heyyy... I'm back!!!!~ *shring shring*

well, what's with the tittle? hmm, guess! cmon.. hehehehe...

tick tock tick tock~~

well, that's surely a long time you take there... :/ ok.. let me tell you... this week is the last week of my studies.. :'(
 next week is my study week, then comes final exam, then comes the last semester for submitting academic theses and more importantly... INTERNSHIP.

:( .. why should I feel sad about it? 

..... the reason is... I will never get to meet the Jays anymore.. not like everyday.... not like in class, in restaurants, in .... elsewhere... :(

freeze the time! freeze the time! freeze the time!

what? who is the Jays?

hmmm.... we are actually just a group of friends who love to laugh, make jokes here and there.. we are also loud in certain setting (we are not lunatic attention seekers), GOSSIPERS (this is the highlight), procrastinators (well, we never failed to submit the assignment though), what else? i dont know, we are just happy with each other.. maybe because we do not layer our jokes and talks and even our relationship with fake hopes and fake emotion. We do not depend on each other's shoulder, i mean not completely.. we do not take it seriously when someone's jokes about us, we do not think it is a bad thing to do if you invite someone to go somewhere and that person refuses to go. we do not take simple and petty issues like that into account.

Chill sudah oii :)

still... who are they?

okey okey chill.. relax sudah, sabar jap, aku nak minum dulu..

okey dah jom kita mula...
these are not real names, for their half real names, view my old posts with pictures :P

1. Ippah

name:                   Ippah, Pah, Appah (real name is not mentioned here ihiks)
age:                      22 (2013)
height and weight: 166 cm and n/a
popular for:           Labah-labah hitam
personality:           macho
power:                 clumsy, always i mean, ALWAYS drop her stuffs except (amazingly her make-up purse),                             her hands cannot stay calm, her ears always hear something else, an avid guesser, loves                                 body gags and quick to reaction.

2. Feliny

name:                    Feliny, Celiny
age:                       22 (2013)
height and weight: 166 cm and n/a
popular for:           " Kau fikir aku duduk depan laptop tu buat apa?" *cries*
personality:           stalker
power:                  able to stalk everyone (just tell her the name and she's in), cry baby, anti-BACTERIA                                    FREAK, she can't live without 99% anti-bacterial wash or tissues or soap... everything..,                              loves to dance.. ulololololololo~

3. Serapi

name:                   Serapi, Serabee, Zarabee
age:                      21 (2013)
height and weight: 166 cm and n/a
popular for:           "I decide today"
personality:            ....she's random
power:                  able to decide where to eat, she is the most rajin dalam group ni.. DL banyak kali                                          katanya. Duta Kuantan :D Former group: Berteleku di sejadah.

4. Netaya

name:                    Queen Netaya
age:                       21 (2013)
height and weight:  154 cm n/a
popular for:           "Lagi sekali kau tanya aku dah siap kerje ke belum, aku lempang sekor sekor", Sanitizer                                 and cats
personality:            Cool from the outside. :P (for gossips in her mind)
power:                   Queen of procrastinator, has an ability of using sarcasm proficiently, queen of gossips,                                   queen of tissues, queen of the Jays

who else? please inform me :P

so, these people lives far away from each other except for Ippah and Zarabee.. who live in Kuantan, Pahang.. the rest of us live in different states.. I'm in Selangor (where we are currently in). Netaya's from Taiping, Perak and Feliny's from Muar, Johor. -_-''

oh well, this is the Jays...
From left: Zarabee, Ippah, Feliny, me and Netaya

.... i guess that's all from me.. maybe i'll update another later okey :) see ya.
